by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Envisioning the New Psycho-Spiritual Paradigm: Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Jewish Renewal, and the Rebbe of the Future.
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Envisioning the New Psycho-Spiritual Paradigm: Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Jewish Renewal, and the Rebbe of the Future.
by Shapiro, DH
Exploring our Most Deeply Held Belief About Ultimate Reality. Revision: The Journal of Consciousness and Change. l989, 12(1),15-28
Reprinted (in part) in On Consciousness and Psi Research,13,2, 1991, p. 4. What’s your deepest belief about ultimate reality”
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
(1992) Zen meditation, cognitive/behavioral psychology, and a religious quest: Reflections on a twenty year return. Japanese Health Psychology, 1(1), 5-19.
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Self-control, control by a benevolent other, and meditation: Is God a confounding variable in
meditation research? In MGT Kwee (Ed.) Psychotherapy, Meditation, and Health London/Hague: East–West Publications, 1990, 65-123.
Zenvagen (PDF file) – Self-control, control by a benevolent other, and meditation: Is God a confounding variable in meditation research? In MGT Kwee (Ed.)Psychotherapy, Meditation, and Health London/Hague: East–West Publications, 1990, 65-123.
Translation: Swedish (H. Karllson). Part One In Zenvagen,46, 13-27, 1991; Part Two in Zenvagen 47,10-15, 1991.
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
One Reality, Many Paths: Exploring the Universal/Particular Relationship. Sausalito, Ca: Institute of Noetic Sciences, l993.