Creative Writing

Introduction To Creative Writing Section

July, 2022.

When I was a young man, in Israel, on my   spiritual search, I decided  I wanted to be a novelist for my professional career.  Although creative writing led me to psychology, I now realize that each was just a different finger pointing to the moon. And that moon was self-understanding, self-reflection, and sharing my voice.

In the enclosed section there are a variety of forms of that sharing: a novel, a novella, short stories, vignettes, poems, both formal haiku, and more free from.

Full circle. It’s a gift to be able to look back at fifty years of creative works.  What a journey.  I feel very grateful to have had a way to share that “artistic” creative side of myself.  I invite you to peruse and enjoy.  I hope some of what was written might engage you, touch you, and even make you smile.

Table of Contents of The Creative Works