by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Clinical Applications Of Meditation And Behavioral Self-Control Strategies and Instructions in Meditation And Behavioral Self-Management.
Meditation Instructions
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Clinical Applications Of Meditation And Behavioral Self-Control Strategies and Instructions in Meditation And Behavioral Self-Management.
Meditation Instructions
by Hurley, T. and Shapiro, D.H.
An overview research compilation of North American scientists interested in empirical work on meditation. (l994) In Haruki, Y. Meditation Researchers Around the World: An International Overview. Masara Ibuka Foundation: Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences. Waseda University: Tokyo, Japan.
by Kirsten Enriquez
This study investigates Holotropic Breathwork (breathwork), a therapy/spiritual practice originating within the framework of transpersonal psychology. There have been 25,000 participants of breathwork over the past decade (Taylor, 1994) and dramatic claims have been made for its unique effectiveness over other therapeutic approaches (Grof, 1988a); however, there have been no empirical studies of any kind on.breathwork to date. To investigate these claims, 27 individuals who had participated in breathwork were given questionnaires assessing their control profiles, the effects of breathwork, their evaluation of breathwork’s value, and the role of surrender /positive yielding. Although 85% rated the ‘breathwork highly or very highly, only 11% have replaced other therapies with breathwork. Further, 15% had adverse effects and 4% said that they would not continue the breathwork practice. The paper concludes with guidelines and suggestions for further research of experiential therapies and for matching therapeutic techniques with personal concerns.
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Meditation is a safe and simple way to balance a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states. It is easily learned and has been used as an aid in treating stress and pain management. It has also been employed as part of an overall treatment for other conditions, including hypertension and heart disease.
by Peter Alsop
An adorable song by Peter Alsop written and sung at one of the Institute’s Conferences 🙂
During the final phase of my life, I live in a meditative “contemplative cave.” Below I share a three round dialogue regarding an interview invitation, involving my explaining why I’m setting a boundary, and declining, while also discussing meditation, tai chi dancing, xujing, dongjing, haiku, Hafez and Rumi, Shabbat peace sense of control, positive assertive mode of control, and Lao-tsu’s yielding accepting mode of control
Johanna’s comment: An interesting exchange with a good explanation of xu-jing/dong-jing, some good philosophy, and a great example of tai chi dancing. Your responses are wise and lovely.