by Deane and Johanna Shapiro, Barbara and Michael Grossman, Betsy and Bob Rosenbluth
Sabbath as an opportunity for Transformation: A Learner’s Minyan Siddur prepared by the Jewish Spirituality Class of Temple Beth El.
Stories, pictures, poems, beginning explication of “spiritual themes of prayers”….
One Good Thing
One Good Thing grows out of our family’s ritual of ending the week by putting all the difficulties and challenges of the week into a “Shabbat Box” and turning them over to God for the next twenty-four hours. After we would light the candles and mom would sing the blessing (with our help!), we then would go around the dining room table and each person would say “one good thing” about the week. Our intention – what we were seeking to do is to transition from the bustle and activity of the daily week to the quiet, joy, and grace of the Sabbath. One good thing lets us begin the meal and our Sabbath evening together with sharing and joy.