Kairos and Chronos

Innocence, feeling understood for one moment,


A God moment…….being born anew……..Zen mind freshness……

a lovely dancing, floating
reaches the heart and mind

then, like the beautifully crafted note of a flute
the wispiness of a dawn cloud….
vanishing….into mist


the moment passes………………..gone………………….. but not lost

sound  sight  feeling

linger whimsically

*               *               *

J’s comment  very sweet and ephemeral, like its contents; and yes, it makes sense.  I think it is saying that that moment of being understood by another creates a delightful feeling, like a beautiful music note or a floating cloud; I think this is a moment of Kairos, being born anew (state of innocence) ; then comes chronos: it vanishes quickly,  and yet … its essence lingers; and when this happens, it is a feeling of oneness and connectedness with the world .