Comparison of Meditation with other Self-Control Strategies

by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.

Shapiro, D. H. Comparison of meditation with other self-control strategies–biofeedback, hypnosis, progressive relaxation: A review of the clinical and physiological literature. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982, 139, 3, 267-274.

Reprinted (abstract) in Steven Locke, M.D., Harvard University, Psychological and Behavioral Treatments for Medical Disorders, New York: IAHH, 1986.

Reprinted in part in Stanley B. Baker ), Merville C. Shaw Improving Counseling Through Primary Prevention Paperback – February, 1987 McGraw Hill

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Effects of Meditation – Editorial

by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.

Meditation, positive psychological health, and science: A reply to Switkes, Donaldson, and Fenwick. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982, 139 (9), 1217.

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