Many years ago Rabbi Allen Krause and I discussed the idea of a booklet discussing the Jewish Holidays.
Although we were not able to complete that idea , what follows below is comments, sharings with my family for several of the major Jewish holidays that we celebrated, observed.
- Pesah: Feasting for Freedom
- The Omer: Countdown to Sinai
- Shavuot: Revealing the Torah
- Tish b’av: The Three Dark Weeks: Leading to 7 weeks of comfort
- Rosh Ha-Shanah: Returning Anew
- Yom Kippur: Day of At-One-Ment
- Sukkot: Creating Shelter
- Shemini Atzeret/Simhat Torah: Reveling With the Torah
- Hanukkah: Increasing the Light
- Tu Bishvat: Tasting of the Tree
- Purim: Self-Mockery and Masquerade.
For an excellent book that includes all the holidays which I personally found exceptionally valuable, please see Michael Strassfield, Jewish Holidays, A guide and Commentary