Nathan (aka Nate Dogg)

Note to Nate Dogg:

Hi Nate, Here is a song I wrote to you when you were born, 19 + years ago. I’m putting these up on the website  during our Thanksgiving visit, 2024.  The first track plays the song (below) on the flute. The second track is me singing it (yes I get a little emotional,  that was a time of lots of prayers when you were in the NICU, and when I  wrote this).  The track 3 is my resinging it again, (more composed). Now you’re such a big strong, smart , kind wise person and “Leading your best life.” I am so proud of you and so glad I’ve been to share your awesome journey.  Love you so much!!! Grandpa Ki Tao



Grandpa singing (A little tearful)

Grandpa Singing (More composed! 🙂 )