Below are outlines and some sharings from two “God Search” classes that were taught at Temple Beth El and facilitated by Michael Grossman and myself.
Johanna Comment:
Wow, these are beautiful prayers to prepare yourself and the students for this class. Sort of turning over the whole experience to God. Love it!
Young Adult Class Material
This class for young adults (Post Bat/Bar Mitzvah) is an opportunity to explore and share your evolving views of God in a safe, caring environment.
A letter was sent to the parents inviting them to explore and discuss several topics with their children that we plan to cover in the class
Class 1: Questions:
- When I say the word God, I mean…
- My early memories of God are…
- If I were to draw a picture of God, it would look like this…
- The time I felt (feel) closest to God…
- Questions I once had (or now have) about God are…
- Why are you taking this class?
- Homework: for next week: Click here for first class questions/responses and Homework
Class 2
- Examples of noticing God’s presence or even mention of God
- Connect nine dots
- Discussion of when something that seemed bad happened and it later turned to be a valuable of positive experience
- Examples you saw this week of people being compassionate, kind, helpful to others
- When things not going well, taking a pause. Try to see a different perspective.
- Homework: for next week: Click here for second class questions/responses and Homework
Class 3
- Where is God? still small voice?
- Perspectives;
- Different focusing exercises (Click here for Mind Experiences)
- Look for examples of compassion, caring you see
- Homework: for next week: Click here for third class questions/responses and Homework
Class 4
- Review different views of God-compassion, still small voice; each has to find own relationship with God
- Examples of compassion noticed this past week
- Basho poem: over darkened sea
- Examples of Prayers: over meal (pages 7-8)
- The Shema
- Homework: Click here for fourth class questions/responses and Homework
- Discuss good and “evil” impulses;
- Do one compassionate act
- Find one example where you change a lower impulse to a higher one
- Ask parents to say one blessing before meal
- Say the Shema
- Explore, draw what it means to be Jewish in a majority Christian country.
Class 5
- Review Homework; Re-look at God beliefs
- Questions for you and parents (when felt, feel closest to God)
- Shalom, hello, good bye, peace.