Songs for the Grandchildren
Hi Precious Sweet baby James,
I’m writing this note to you during Nov, 2024 at our Thanksgiving gathering. So grateful!! The Song (Sweet Baby James) was written 23 years ago after your birth. It is my first “blues” effort, and uses the Blues scale , c, eflat , f, f sharp, b and b flat. I was taking a music jr college class@:) What a joy to watch you grow into such a wise loving young man. Below is the sheet musicJ So much love….Grandpa!!
Grandpa Sings
Two Octaves
Rocking Out on Flute (Plus some Grandpa singing! 🙂 )
A little Jazier
Learn more about This Little Light of Mine.
Nathan (aka Nate Dogg)
Grandpa singing (A little tearful)
Grandpa Singing (More composed! 🙂 )
Papa Sings
Skyla Capri
The word Capri means whimsical. As I prepare this for my website now, Nov 2024, as you are visiting at Thanksgiving and are about to turn 9, wow…you are indeed magical, whimsical, so smart and talented and loving. I love you SO!!! Here is the sheet music and the song lyrics below. (It’s in the key of A! (Ha, no surprise there! You are an A(mazing!) A(wesome)) Love you so much, dear girl: Papa Ki Tao
Flute and Papa Singing Lyrics
Flute and Lyrics
Weston Deane
Hi Weston, my man!! You are now 6 + years old and visiting during Thanksgiving. I wrote this song when you were born. Below are the lyrics to the song (I based the music and tune of the Ballad of Davy Crockett, a song which was my very favorite when I was a child!!)
The first track is the song on the flute (se below for notes); the second track is my singing it with the lyrics I wrote for you:
You were born during the Days of Awe, and I wrote you saying I was Papa Ki Tao in awe!!
I love you so much, my special guy! 🙂