Johanna’s comment…
a lovely poem, profound yet with a light touch. A great contrast of context of all is one, but you also contrast sound and silence, then later notes and rests, being and nonbeing! Makes sense…. Not simple, but simple
Johanna’s comment…
a lovely poem, profound yet with a light touch. A great contrast of context of all is one, but you also contrast sound and silence, then later notes and rests, being and nonbeing! Makes sense…. Not simple, but simple
Control as blessing, curse, paradox, one: An Inquiry into Monkeys, Kittens, Human Development and the Nature of the Universe.
Johanna’s comment: Love this little play! It perfectly embodies the channel 1 channel 2 dilemma (which the channels resolve as well as any philosophical approach!). Also, the idea that we are all kittens, waiting to be scooped up by the Mother, is really adorable.