Articles by jts-admin
Meditative Reflections: An Invitation and the Role of Control in Meditation
The dance of rain drops
splashing into a puddle
gentle sharings arise
A Note:
I was asked to write a book chapter for Miguel Farias; Oxford Handbook of Meditation. Since I knew this was going to be the last article I wrote on Meditation, I wanted to:
- Summarize my past work on meditation , especially as it relates to the role of control
- To share my own personal journey regarding the content and context of meditation, and
- To invite the reader to explore their own journey with meditation.
Because of space limitations, the “invitation to the readers” was not able to included in the book chapter. Therefore below please find first the Invitation to readers, (hope you enjoy your personal exploration!) followed by the Book Chapter “The Role of Control In Meditation.”
Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives
Edited by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr. and Roger N. Walsh
Comments by colleagues on this book; click here.
* Selected by Choices: The Journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries as one of the Outstanding Academic Books for 1984-1985. Outstanding Research Book, 1985, Japanese Government, Asahi Press: (see here)
This collection of contemporary articles on meditation is the most comprehensive ever assembled on the subject. The editors have selected works that are classics in the field, methodologically interesting, and clinically relevant.
- Table of Contents
- Classic perspectives of meditation: Toward an empirical understanding of meditation as an altered state of consciousness.
- A systems approach to meditation research: Guidelines and suggestions.
- Epilogue – As a spiritual discipline, meditation is an ancient and revered practice, and its most outstanding practitioners have been ranked among the wisest people in history. Unfortunately, that history and tradition is sometimes lost and/or forgotten by those who unquestioningly and evangelically embrace a particular meditation technique or path, and try to convince all around them of its absolute truth. On the other hand, it may also be lost to us as Western scientists if we are not careful of our own biases and views as we study meditation.
- Tables (Studies on Fears and Phobia, Stress, and Tension Management; Studies of Hypertension; Subjective and other changes within and following meditation; Studies on Attention and Perception)
Judaism as a Psycho-spiritual Guide to a Healthy Relationship
by Shapiro, J. and Shapiro, D.H.
(1993) Judaism as a Psycho-spiritual guide to a healthy relationship: A midlife perspective. Judaism and Psychology, 17 (3) 169-191
Supplemental Material: 25 years later – Relooking at the Article
Couples and Spirituality: A Jewish Perspective on Exile, Yearning, and Return
by Shapiro, DH. and Shapiro, J.
(l992) Couples and Spirituality: A Jewish Perspective on Exile, Yearning, and Return. Journal of Couples Therapy, (1),77-96.
Reflections on the Indian Jewish Fairy Tale, The Golden Tree
Dialogue on Gay and Heterosexual Relationships
Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph. D.
This dialogue on gay and heterosexual relations occurred between 1997-2000, and was prompted by a column and sermon on sexual orientation given by our Temple Rabbi. Allen Krause. A fellow congregant, who was also a friend with whom our families shared a havurah* group for several years publicly expressed concern about the Rabbi’s perspective. I wasn’t aware of this friend’s views in all the years we’d been friends, so I invited her to begin a dialogue– which is included here. I found this material recently (2023) in going through notes for an article/monograph my son, Josh, and I had been working on for the past decade. on inclusivity and co-existence. The intro letter to him summarizes the background to the dialogue. Johanna also shared (2023) her comments on the dialogue.
*A havurah group is a small group of like-minded Jews who assemble to facilitate Shabbat and holiday prayer services and share communal experiences.
Self-control and relationship: Toward a Model of Interpersonal Health
by Shapiro, J. and Shapiro, D. H.
Self-control and relationship: Toward a model of interpersonal health. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1984, 24, (4), pp. 91-116.
Judaism as a Journey of Transformation
by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., Ph.D.
Judaism as a Journey of Transformation: Consciousness, Behavior, Society. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology,, l989, 21, (1), 13-59.
A Jewish Perspective. Reprinted, in part in Newsletter, Relaxation and Meditation: Australian Branch of the Transnational Network for the study of physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Jan, l994, p. 8-13.
Religious and Spiritual Paths Book
Exploring whether, if, and how they might coexist in kindness and harmony
by Joshua Deane Shapiro, Ph.D, Deane H. Shapiro Jr., Ph.D
Johanna’s (aka mom) comment: this Is a great project! Someone should calculate the number of lives lost and immeasurable suffering attributable to religious differences. It’s a beautiful cover, and I love both Josh’s handwritten sign and the mandala. The quotes also perfectly illustrate many paths up the mountain, can’t we all just get along. I like the title, maybe add a sub: Can We Find Common Ground? Or Can They Be Reconciled? Love, Mom
Wisdom Without Borders Book
By Josh Shapiro and Deane Shapiro
This collection consists of stories my father shared with the family over many years and many different circumstances. The wisdom is at once universal, but seen through the particular lens of geography, religious traditions, cultures, and time periods.
The stories are guideposts from past generations of both simple truths and deeply complex philosophical and moral questions that make us stop and ponder. These moments provide opportunities to transcend our individual journey and deepen our understanding of the human experience. They enable us to navigate complex situations, connect with one another and—through internalizing the morals they impart—explore ourselves.
Covering themes of altruism, acceptance, letting go, trust, imperfection, risk, and more this book is meant to start a conversation about the good life and our role in creating it.
Thank you, thank you for the wonderful book!
I can’t wait to read them all, but I have to tell you – I randomly flipped open to page 90 (Amazing Patience) and WOW did I need to hear that story today after one cute 5 year old is really working hard to test my patience on a daily basis. The story made me laugh but also served as a great reminder… I think I will need to print this out!!! –Ashley Wayne
Got your book yesterday. I think it’s wonderful!!
Love everything about it,from the writing to the pictures to the packaging.
And what makes it more special is the fact that a father and son created this together.
I’m in awe. Well done, sirs! -Tom Shapiro
IMPORTANT: This book can be downloaded at no charge by clicking the download button on the left side below. The “Order the Book” button is for those who wish to have an actual bound hard copy, either for themselves or as a gift.
Please note that Josh and Deane do not take any royalties, rather all royalties will be sent to organizations that support literacy programs and family reading around the world (chosen by Skyla and Weston, Josh’s kids, and Deane’s grandkids 🙂 )